Jake Gyllenhaal 2024

Place Order by TBD

Send-In Items Due by TBD

We are very excited to offer a private signing with Jake Gyllenhaal! Known best for his role in titles such as Road HouseSpider-Man: Far From HomeOctober SkyThe Day After TomorrowZodiacPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimeStrongerNightcrawlerEverest and so many others!

Select from nearly 150 different images in a variety of sizes, or mail your own items in to be signed.

A very limited amount of Personalization’s & Character Names are available. No quotes for this one.

CGC Signature Series options for comic books, magazines & trading cards are also available. You must have your own CGC account to send comics, magazines or trading cards in for signatures & grading. Place your order for the signature through us, and then, place your order for the grading service on the CGC website and include the completed CGC invoice along with your book(s) or card(s) when you send to us. Please be sure to include a fresh bag & board with all comics & magazines for CGC submissions.

Orders will be taken through TBD and all Send-In items must arrive by TBD.

Send-In Instructions

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Signing Scheduled (Upcoming Step)

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Orders Open (Completed Step)

May 13, 2024

Orders Closed (Current Step)

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